Quite A Wonderful Day

Well, I sure as hell did not do any shopping today nor did I get much work done. At this rate, this break would seem like a total waste of time, if not for the meet-ups I have had with people and the little on and off cooking I have done. That is not quite the break I wanted or envisioned, it is most definitely not the kind of productive I wanted it to be. But I am not going to beat myself over that, I guess. It is a pit too deep, one I have had multiple experiences falling into. And in all of those experiences, finding the way back up the surface from that pit is an all-new ball game altogether, one I don’t want to be playing, especially since my mental state is probably at a much better state than it has been a long time. I am in a great mood even now because I met up with two of my friends after a long while and we went out for dinner, we went to three different places, eating different things everywhere and it was delicious food, great company, and extremely cost-effective. In short, it was my ideal date.

I will be travelling tomorrow morning, my train is at 6am and that means that I have to wake up at 4:30. That means that I shall have to sleep by now so I get a decent amount of sleep. I need that quite desperately. It also means that I get to charge my phone and other gadgets tonight so that I am not stuck in the station without my gadgets. I also need to figure out what to wear for the train journey because it is going to be hot (even though I am travelling in an AC compartment), so there’s quite a lot of logistics I have to work out. I also had to pack, but packing this time genuinely did not take more than 15/20 minutes. I think, overall, my packing skillsĀ have increased. I still hate to do it, because it means work but I am much faster and precise about it. For me, that’s a great thing to feel proud of. Well, of course, I still have some last minute things I shall be chucking into my bag tomorrow morning, but that’s the whole point. It is for tomorrow morning, not tonight and so I can leave those worries aside for the moment.

I also put myself mehendi today–mehendi is something I have always loved. Even as a child, I would be extremely captivated by how people could hold that cone so effortlessly and make beautiful designs across someone’s palm. My hands have always been tiny so there was a point of time in a life, actually it quite a long period of time, when I would shy away from putting mehendi. I always felt that my hands were too small to make any worthwhile design on them at all. I think, after so long, I finally got myself a mehendi cone and put it on for myself. I don’t possess the skill and talent that a lot of my friends do when it comes to mehendi. But I surely possess the enthusiasm and a willingness to get better and well, remembering my TA’s words (even though she was speaking to me about English Literature, her advice is universal in that it can be applied across contexts), I think this is not some inane skill that cannot be learnt. I only believe that as I try more and more, experiment more and more, there will come a time when my designs shall look great. Until then, I am quite content with my mediocrity–I am here for the experience and the smell, oh god yes, the smell. The smell of mehendi is probably one of my most favourite smells in the world. Well, it is getting late and I shall be travelling by train alone for the first time in my life. I shall have fun, right?

And that’s my memory for the day.

PS: There are also a few questions I have about a few things, but I think I need to introspect before I feel like they can be written about. A few things have been plaguing me, a few worries, a few insecurities, a few problems–the usual.

Slight Disappointments

Today was the perfect example of a lazy day, a guilt-free lazy day. I did not get anything done today, I had nothing to get done and it felt great to not have any expectations resting on my shoulders. I mean, I do have quite a few expectations for myself but I shall get to them soon, just not today. There was dinner, a movie, a teeny tiny bit of shopping, I shall shop more tomorrow hopefully. I have plans to buy some new clothes because I feel my wardrobe needs a little something new in it. But knowing me, and my general miserliness, I will probably buy very little and call it a successful trip. Or better yet, buy nothing at all and come back.

I came back from a movie only half an hour back and I am completely exhausted from the day. I slept a lot even during the day, but a whole lot of good that did me because I am still sleepy now. The movie was slightly disappointing, I was expecting more, I guess, but it wasn’t bad. I am generally quite shit at reviewing movies, and to add to my already mediocre capabilities, I am also extremely sleepy and tired. So it probably is not a good time to type out my opinions on the movie, because my vocabulary seems quite limited to good/bad/nice. But it was a movie people had told me was wonderful and so I dragged my father along. He didn’t like the movie at all, though, while I don’t hold such an extreme view (in retrospect, I don’t hold extreme views in almost everything)

I also bought myself a mehendi cone, I love mehendi and I used to love putting it for other people and for myself. I was not great at it, but I still enjoyed it because I found the exercise very comforting a lot of the time. It made me happy and seeing the colour always made my day. I loved seeing the mehendi turn darker after the first day, I loved the smell of it that would linger for at least a day after I put it. If it was marudhaani, the smell would last for a few days, even with the perfume from soaps. But mehendi cones don’t do that, but that is not a failing, to be honest, because mehendi cones allow me an insane level of creative freedom that marudhaani can only dream of. I am most definitely doing my sleep blabber right now, so I am going to call it a night and get to sleep. Tomorrow shall be more productive, right?

And that’s my memory for the day.