Control, Help

If anything, the last few days have only shown me my need for some form of psychological counselling. I require help, I conclude, I really need it because I am losing my mind and I don’t like that at all. I have always been someone proud of my own independence and ability to take care of myself. The fact that I have allowed myself to be lost for all this while shows that I have stopped taking care of myself. And in my books, that is unacceptable, I will not agree to that ever in my life. It is quite saddening that I have actually grown numb to the pain I have managed to inflict on myself through neglect. But it should end soon and I need to start getting my life back in order.

Is this a show of my own resilience? I don’t know, maybe the fact that I am failing miserably at keeping my life in order shows that I could be weak-minded? Or alternatively, one could argue (like my friends do) that the fact that I am living through this and managing to survive shows that I am strong-minded? But anyway, I don’t think this is an appropriate time to discuss this, I have a story I have to submit and work that I have to get done before I sleep. I have been sleeping at the most ungodly hours possible during the last few days. It is in no way healthy for me and I once again need to get that under control. Sometimes, I have to do the smallest things in order to bring some semblance of control in my life, don’t I?

And that’s my memory for the day.

The Flow of Thought

Good news first, I got my period today. Now, there is absolutely no logical reason why I would welcome that painful experience in my life, but I do. Because it lays to rest some of the worries I had been having about my health while at university. The whole of my first year, I did not get my period even once. That meant that I went for a period of nearly 4-5 months without getting my period. It really messed with my head because my hormones were going everywhere (this I know in retrospect). So I am merely thankful that my period showed up on time, which means that I can be healthy and fine.

But here’s the bad part about these periods, cramps. I get horrible cramps and this month, I happened to get it on a weekend. What would I do if it came during a weekday? During class? There is so much at stake with the time my period shows up in and also, this is all contingent on my period deciding to be normal and show up every month. Another bad part about periods are my mood swings, they are quite funny in retrospect. but in their peak, they are important (even though I know I should not be taken seriously). I will switch from hating the whole human race to singing praises in a flash, and it is weird to see me spout hate because I generally am a loving, nice, happy person (even though my internet footprint as far as my blog is concerned is quite sad). I don’t really like the hormones controlling my brain like that, they make me feel out of control (which is again, quite weird, so hormones are not part of ‘me’? What?) Okay, enough crisis for a while, this is, but probably my period talking (and the fact that I am awake at 4am to write this blog after sleeping at around 12:30)

I do this a lot now, I wake up at crazy hours to write on the blog. But what worries me is the fact that this is not even a point in the semester when work piles like crazy. There are going to be much crazier points in the semester and I am genuinely afraid for the blog, will I be able to write every day? I probably need to reduce some kind of standard (assuming I have one at the present moment) of what makes a post. I probably will also have to put a check on how long I take to write this. I cannot afford to give myself too much time for this, for that will mean that I shall cut short on others’ times which would probably need to be prioritised. How long I take to write this is also quite contingent on me knowing what I want to write. Like right now, I am pretty much clueless and going with the flow (please get the pun), but maybe I need to start becoming more focused.

Also, I love my friends. They are the sweetest people on campus and I don’t know how I would survive without them at all. Talk about irony, I was just saying I need to be focused and brain decides to say something so utterly random. But I guess, that’s the greatest part, right? Thoughts travel so fast, they are wonderfully complex or simple, but they go everywhere (or can potentially do that). It gives me hope that there is always a chance that an imprisoned mind can set itself free, or can be set free (what is free, what is not, that’s a separate question in itself). Isn’t it truly marvellous?

And that’s my memory for the day.

Fed-up with Frustrations and Fights

Is being passive-aggressive, more effective or better than being confrontational? Asking for a friend. But no, in all honesty, these last few days have been quite bad and left me feeling frustrated and fed up. I wanted to confront certain people because I was feeling quite ignored and irrelevant. I ended up acting on an impulse and rudely called out one person, and I immediately regretted my actions as soon as the message was out. Now, if I wanted, I could have simply deleted the message before she saw it. But there was also this feeling of relief in finally saying it out loud. Also, to delete it would be cowardly. Given my state, I was seeking both relief and also a reason to not be cowardly. I ended up apologising for being rude. But she was apologetic too, cleared up many things, I felt relieved at the end of it. But do I want to repeat the exercise with the others? I doubt it.

There have been many times when I have been extremely passive-aggressive or confrontational while I was in school. I was and still am, to a large extent, short-tempered and quick to anger. During a meeting for our school’s annual interschool culturals, I blasted the cultural secretary for being an ass, for being completely hopeless with management, and for being all talk and no action. That is not an isolated incident, there have been times when I have been short-tempered and reacted like that with my own family too. But when I went to college, I actively tried to break out of it. I tried my best to accommodating and less short-tempered. I think it worked really well, people thought I was a patient, innocent creature. I doubt they suspected the demon within me.

The first time a few of my friends heard me arguing with my parents, they were surprised that I was capable of such anger. Even in my anger, I have always demonstrated a level of control, which I think is a huge part of my personality. As I said, fights signify vulnerabilities. I hate vulnerabilities, being vulnerable. So my efforts to reduce the chinks in my armour makes me more in control of myself. It is all part of this need to be in control, to be ready, and independent that I have always embodied. But college made me more passive, more submissive, in a sense. It is not a role I have taken before, but somehow college made it seem natural for me.

Now I struggle because there are parts of me that want to be dominant, be in control and in power that are constantly in a tug of war with the parts of me that want to let go. Fights signify vulnerabilities, and this fight also reminds me that I am vulnerable. I have always been vulnerable, parts of me that used to be alien to me are coming to the front now. There are determined, optimistic parts existing alongside parts that have given up all hope. As I said in my previous post, differences are inevitable. I can only hope that these parts shall exist peacefully henceforth because quite honestly, I am fed up with fighting.

Today, I applied for two internships–a volunteering internship and a paid internship. I do not want to talk about them because I am in eternal fear that I shall jinx my application. But then irrational fears are just that, irrational. But I guess, right now, I would like to hold on to the fear because it would absolve me of blame if I don’t get the internships. The semester hasn’t been a very successful one, and it has left me with a sense of hopelessness for the summer and the semester to follow. I can only hope that things shall start looking up soon because I am quite fed up with this down phase, I have tolerated and lived it with for long enough now. I want to move on, to become happier, to let go of things that weigh me down, to move past my heartbreaks and losses. That is not an unreasonable demand now, is it?

And that’s my memory for the day.

Dreams and ‘Periods’ of Control

It has been quite a great day, I finally unpacked my suitcases and got quite a bit of my work done. I had been procrastinating so much to do this these last few days. My mother had to quite literally push me to my suitcase, and make me get my work done. But the good part is, once I start something I have to finish it. It plagues my mind otherwise, and I would be left with a lot of frustration until I got it finished. So I started, after five minutes, to spite my mother, I went and sat in front of the TV and watched a video for half an hour. I made my mom really angry, on purpose, because she was making me work, no matter how fair it was.

But after my half an hour was over, I could not sit still and I went back to my room to get all the clothes put away neatly, and suitcases too. I started and I kept on going, I just could not stop once I started. When I was done, there was this feeling of accomplishment and extreme relief, I cannot possibly justifiably explain the feeling. It was great, to feel that way after quite a bad time and space. To finally feel like some part of my life was back in my control, it could be managed, handled, worked with. Then I took out a broom and swept my whole room, neatly, and finally sprayed the whole place with room freshener. I felt like I could finally be in that room, feel at home there and for me, that was very important. Coming here was already a huge change, but to shift houses as soon as I came here meant that the one small thing I was familiar with here was also being changed. It became imperative for me to find some semblance of control, coming from a horrible semester and these changes.

This new house actually reminds of my older house, it is quite a beautiful apartment in a main part of town, extremely accessible to shops and to the train station and bus stop. It is quite a sweet little place, and I feel more at home here. But nonetheless, when I got this work done, it felt reassuring. This place would become home soon, that’s what my brain was feeding me, and I was eagerly eating it up. It is quite funny, actually, how much I did not think that my suitcases and litter in the room was affecting me this badly and that they had such a strong link to stuff from my past. I think that is the beauty of writing, we always make more connections when we are writing down what we’re feeling, it allows us that space I believe. I am glad that this blog has worked as that space for me so far.

But all this setting-up business reminds me of the many times we have shifted houses before. It was actually quite funny, I can recall almost all of the shifts but not much of the actual house setting-up. The only house setting-ups I properly remember are our previous house, which we moved into when I was in seventh standard, and the house before that, which we moved into when I was in sixth standard. We had been in our own house before shifting when I was in sixth standard, we sold that house to buy the other one, and for a year, while it was in construction, we stayed in a rented house. I remember that house quite vividly because it was in a great locality that was also green and quite beautiful. The added perk was that it really close to my school, I could cycle there easily, and in just 5  minutes, which meant I got extra time to get ready in the morning. Well, it also meant I got extra overconfident and reached school really late quite a few times.

I remember that house because that was where I had my first dream about getting my period. I was in sixth standard, so many of my friends and classmates were getting their periods, it had become quite a common sight for my classmates to ask for pads from each other and to suddenly leave home in the middle of the day because they got their first period. I kept on getting these dreams that I would go to the toilet, and that I got my period, and I would wake up terrified. Check myself with bated breath, put off going to the toilet for as much as possible, as if I could stop my period by not going to the toilet to relieve myself.

It was a superstition I held (and still hold, to a lot lesser extent I guess) that dreams that came during the wee hours of the morning were dreams that would come true. I would wake up and try to remember when I got the dream, and I would be terrified because they would all occur during the early morning time. The house had two bathrooms, and I made a conscious decision not to use the bathroom where it happened as much as possible. I also did not wear the undergarment I saw in my dream for a very long time. I tried to tell myself that I could somehow control and manipulate my fate that way. As I keep telling, with me, there has always been a need to be in control and this was no different.

Well, I guess something must have helped me because I did not get my period till I finished eighth standard, and went to my grandmother’s place for the summer break. I finally got it when I was in a place I had never dreamt of (pun intended). Turns out dreams don’t come true, especially things that are apparently ‘supposed’ to come true, if you manipulate it enough. I like to think that my meddling, and cautiousness was what caused the whole thing to happen in my grandmother’s place. It was like, you expect me in all these places so I’ll knock on the door you most definitely did not expect me to knock, and I will catch you off guard. My period did play its turn quite brilliantly, it continues to do so.

I guess that one of the things I learnt from this whole experience was that I could be in control of my situation, to a small extent. But in the larger scheme of things (like biological imperatives and inevitables, like periods), no matter of manipulation could work completely. It will catch you in some other place, it is quite brilliant at that. Two lessons learnt from this experience, it adds quite a bit of value to it. Of course, I don’t mean that lessons learnt is a reasonable and only acceptable way of adding value, even if I might not be able to find some value, each experience has something to be valued in it. I think that’s a reasonable place to leave this memory at, right?

And that’s my memory for the day.


Disappointments and Successful Constraints

I am ashamed right now because I did a stupid thing. I completely slept, exhausted and forgot to write the blog post for the day. This has been happening for a few days now, I keep on collapsing and sleeping, beyond my control. But that is probably because of jet lag and my body is definitely catching up on the sleep I had deprived of it all these days in college. The good thing is, I am writing this right now, and I will cheat a bit and post this even though I can make it show as if this was posted earlier than the truth. I am also scared of how this writing thing will go over the break. But I am hoping I will not slack. I have made too much progress now to suddenly stop.

It goes against my principles, it feels like I am cheating, hell, I know I am. But there are times when this might be justified, and in my head, now is one of them. I am registering this here because it is a marker of my actions. Maybe this will act as a reminder for me not to do the same thing again. After all, there are many things that happened in life that have served me the purpose of being a lesson to correct myself. I take it as a corrective measure. Yes, they may be bitter pills to swallow but they are still pills, medicine. Medicine helps one recover from diseases, from sicknesses, I want to recover, get better.

I am doing this challenge recently where I was asked to post the covers of seven books that I love without giving an explanation for seven consecutive days. But I could not do that–the friend who nominated me for that challenge himself had written a small post explaining why that book came as one of his favourites. Because I was not one to back down, and because I have been endeavouring to write more in the break, I set myself a challenge to write a small verse for each book. Here is the deal, I time myself for the same, giving myself a total of 5 minutes for the whole exercise. So I am posting that verse here, the cover is below.img_3300

Day 1, Book 1: A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

My heart, trampled on and crushed,
Was left in the ruins along with
The dead remains of the innocents
Who were killed and maimed
But like the leaves of autumn
That fall only to bloom again
The heart starts beating once more
One last time, one last breath
The novel ends but the suns don’t
A thousand splendid suns
Burn bright

One of the constraints I set myself in this verse exercise was that the penultimate line would have the name of the book in it, and the last line will have only two words. How did that completely arbitrary constraints come into existence? I really don’t know. I seem to have a habit of following a pattern in everything I do. Even these blog posts, for example, I follow a pattern where I end with a question and “And that’s my memory for the day” in the next line. There is something beautiful about constraints, they make me think a little extra. MAke me manoeuvre my way in and out, they challenge me, they are fun. I keep on putting constraints on myself all the time.

Everything I did has to be bound by some constraint, I feel unstructured otherwise. I think it all, again, ties back to my need for control, to be in control of a situation. It is funny how everything I do seems to tie back to something I consider fundamental to my personality. Even there, those are constraints that I am working with, working around. But I think life always revolves that way, there are always going to be constraints left, right, and centre. They will constantly be bugging me, asking me to do things I don’t want to, sometimes. But I guess, the challenge they post gives too much thrill for me to ignore them. When I successfully work under these constraints, it gives me an ego boost. Given my insecure self, anything that makes me feel even slightly confident and validated becomes a welcome thing. Do I know where to strike a balance here? I likely do not, but I have my whole life ahead of me to figure that out don’t I?

And that’s my memory for the day.

PS: I had to follow the constraints here, I JUST HAD TO.

Realisations of a Different Kind

I had gone for a symposium today, it was a creative writing symposium jointly organised by my university and University of Chicago. It was a very new and enriching experience for me because I have never been to such events before. As usual, there had to be some things that happened that would take me down a spiral (it has become a predictable pattern, even for me). As I say, it has left me very powerless, I am not in control of these reactions anymore it may seem. But I am not one to give up that easily, I may be a very stupid person but I do fight back and put up a good fight most of the time.

It started with the panels and I felt very lost, like it was all a bit too much ‘up there’ for me. I could not think about it or draw connections, it was like a block. And the more I couldn’t do it, the more frustrated and desperate I became. For me, it became a question of my choice of my own major, of my suitability to choose them in the first place. The first panel also drew me down a road of self-hatred for how much I am forgetting Tamil. I grew up reading Tamil works (of course I did), but I never got to creatively writing in the language. I speak it very fluent and read and write very fluently too, but my creative prowess in the language goes for a toss. I cannot put it to words in Tamil easier than in English, and for me that became a point of focus. Of my own inadequacy.

The second panel was on poetics, another point where it became quite obvious that I was going to be affected by it. I had started writing these feelings down on the notebook every attendee had gotten. I felt like I was wasting the ink of the pen and the sacrifice of the tree to do something the organisers evidently didn’t have in mind. To waste them, who am I but a mere mortal, foolish young girl? It led me into a space where I questioned my own writing, questioned everything and felt sorry for myself (something I do on a daily basis). It was actually very stupid of me, I now realise.

My friends sat with me and spent nearly two hours talking with me about this all. Sometimes I wonder if I even deserve those people who have become, in many ways, my support system in college with whom even the everyday, mundane seems rare and precious. As I said in my previous post, they have a habit of accelerating my thought process and bringing me out of these melodramatic phases faster. I am so used to this kind of drama that it is actually really funny now that I think about it, what dumb ways in which I responded to the whole event. But it is done, I got some decent pictures and most importantly, I had fun. And sometimes, despite the dark things that dominate the colours of your sky, one small star adds that little bit of spark. I want to be that star, I can be that star can’t I?

And that’s my memory for the day.

Headaches and Feeling Bogged Down

I have been in better headspaces before. I miss them. I can begin to feel the start of something going wrong as far as my mental health is concerned. I don’t think it is healthy for me to think the way I am thinking right now. I am trying not to think this way, but it sometimes feels like I am going to start spiralling out of control.

I nearly skipped dinner tonight, I had dinner very late, almost as an afterthought because my head started aching and I really needed to at something if I did not want to wake up with a migraine tomorrow. I am glad I ate something though, it obviously gave me a little bit more energy, even though I feel how mentally fatigued I am. My father was very disappointed, he wants me to start eating healthy and honestly, I am trying my best. But it just gets difficult. And I just came back from the break, I don’t want to get bogged down so soon.

I keep on telling myself that I am not weak, it has become a mantra now. The Yashasvi from school would be horrifed at some of the things I am doing right now. Honestly, I don’t think I recognise school me anymore. I don’t know how to feel about that, it is just a realisation that I am acknowledging. This post has to end here because my brain is fried, my head is aching and I honestly have no energy to type. I will be able to keep this writing thing up, won’t I?

And that’s my memory for the day.

Swimming Against A Wave Of Hopelessness

There is this weird sensation that has overpowered me these last few days. It is like every time I am left alone to myself and my thoughts, I start this cycle of sadness. As I type, I feel sorry for myself and tears are dropping from my eyes and I feel so helpless, so lost and I cannot put my thoughts to words.

I don’t know how to handle things very well, quite apparently. I cannot handle this, whatever this is. I am struggling, I know I am struggling and I am feeling bad that I am struggling. But wait, don’t tell me that there are people who are worse than me or that many others are probably in the same boat as mine. I know that and I feel equally sorry for them. Being in my position, I wouldn’t wish this kind of mental agony on anyone.

When I am with people, it is so easy to don a mask and for those few minutes or hours, play the part of the happy, smiling girl who is having fun in life. It is easier to smile and laugh at the silliest things, trying to fool myself into believing that something reminds me of happier times. My mood is going down the drain and the worst part is, I seem to have lost control. Yes, control, that one thing I cherished and desperately tried to hold on to, that one thing is out of my grasp.

There is so much work to be done, I don’t even know why I am writing this blog post instead. People say talking helps and I have tried, yes, oh my god, I have tried. I have talked to a friend who has been the sweetest, most supportive person I met in college so far. She has displayed a great amount of sensitivity and empathy and cared for me, checking up on me and simply being there for me. I have had a breakdown almost every day, crying hopelessly because it feels like nothing is going the right way and that I am doomed to fail.

Whenever I try to start a paper or any writing at all (including this blog), I am plagued by this voice inside of me telling me, scolding me, taunting me about why I am even trying. Judgement had been passed, my worst fears did come true, I was told point blank that my writing style was pathetic and here I am, valiantly trying to write against the voices in my own head and otherwise. If I wasn’t so confused about the idea of a tragic hero myself, I would have termed myself one. It feels like I am fighting against what now seems to be an insurmountable foe, a wave that is now too tall and fast for me to try and swim away from. All I can hope for, at this point, is that I can hold my breath long enough for the wave to pass and for the shore to come back to sight. And sometimes, I go breathless quite easily and there is a constant fear that I will end up inhaling the salty water (feels like they could be my tears) instead of air. I will swim away from this won’t I?

And that’s my memory for the day.

Sickness and Being In Control

I am sick today, it is perhaps the only thing on my mind right now. I hate being sick, it makes me feel out of control. And I like being in control of my situation, to be ready and prepared. But no one can be prepared for a sickness and when you do fall sick, you end up having to depend on other people for comfort. I don’t like being dependent and clingy, it makes me feel like I am out of control.

Being sick reminds me of the times I fell sick during my childhood. Both my parents are doctors, they always had medicines in the house. Things like fever and flu were not uncommon in my house, but we almost never had to go to a clinic because my parents took care of it by themselves. I grew up learning about medicines and dosages, so much so that it became quite natural for me to spout out drug names while my friends looked at me in awe. I always had paracetamol with me, courtesy my parents and almost always had stock of medicines.

When I came to college, I obviously came with my mini pharmacy and also my 24/7 videocall doctors. The two times I fell sick here, I only had to call them up and their words and two days of medication would have me up and about. Even 4000 kilometres away from me, they still know how to solve my problems. As a kid, growing up with dust/smoke allergy and wheezing came with its own challenges. I had to go around being prepared with the inhaler and I had some scares, that left me wiser, of course. And I guess, no doctor from outside can know me like a doctor who gave birth to me.

Being sick also reminds me of how I really need to have my work done properly and if possible, well in advance. It is an advice I make to myself but one I rarely follow and I end up regretting it when I fall sick. I realise that I put things to the last minute sometimes and when I fall sick, I end up not being able to complete that work. It puts me behind, something I hate being, again. I hate feeling inadequate and being sick makes me feel like I am not there 100%. Kind of understandable but I do not like it, one bit.

Being sick also makes me whiny and complaining. I will go on and on about how I dry coughed, how I puked, how my head is heavy, how my nose is runny and how I feel cold. And I won’t stop because I honestly have so much to talk about. It also makes me realise and gain an appreciation for why I plan on never touching a drop of alcohol in my life. Alcohol is much like being sick, it makes your head kind of woozy and makes you blabber and lose control. All of which I despise. I tolerate being sick because I did not bring it on myself. But alcohol, I mostly would bring it on myself. It is a decision I would rather not make.

In retrospect, I realise that through my life, there has been this obsession with being in control of my situation. It makes me quite negative to change and uprootal, traits I do not know what to make of. In some places though, I love the unstability that change brings me. An example is with respect to thoughts and feelings. Is it a good thing to be stable and in control or is there a charm in being free and spiralling out of control? Is it even necessary that one must choose between the two options?

And that’s my memory for the day.