Common Mistakes

Well, here’s the deal. I screw up a lot, I make too many mistakes because I do not know how to act and react in many situations. Case in point, when a message came from C, I was having dinner with my friends. One of my friends sees it and asks me a perfectly valid, innocent question, “who is it?” and I react immediately. I make a move to take my phone away from her, my face heats up (even though I don’t blush in the technical sense) and I end up escalating the issue enough that now, four other people know about it. And I feel like crying because I never intended for so many people to know and I cannot help but resent myself for my own stupidity and incompetence. In my defence though, this is the first time something like that has happened in my life and maybe hopefully, with more experience, I shall handle this much better.

But aside from that, I also have a tendency to do things I probably should not, all because I think I am doing someone something good. It is a case of misplaced generosity and it almost always comes back to bite my derriere, despite all my preparation to save myself from the inevitable pain in my derriere. But as I said, my interventional skills coupled with an exasperating memory (which can sometimes remember the dumbest things for ages and important things for a millisecond) is a disastrous combination that has left insane destruction in its wake before. Today, another such situation arose and well, I was so close to ruining everything for everyone. But I managed to somewhat control the situation and now, I think I should try my best to keep it there within the careful confines of rationality. Again, in my defence, I have never done this before and maybe hopefully, with more experience, I will handle it much better.

But aside from these completely sad states of existence is the fact that I keep on forgetting the simplest things. It could be something like forgetting my ID card and standing sadly in the mess during mealtime, it could quite literally be one of the so many things I do on a day-to-day basis. In fact, this blog post itself would not have been written had I persisted with my sleep. I have been doing that a lot lately, I end up sleeping as I am writing my post and I wake up much later, reminded of this endeavour I need to see to fruition and then I have to work again.

Sometimes I wonder how better my life would be if I were not obliged to write a blog post every day. But I also tell myself that we are near the end, almost, of this year. There are not many more months left, I have crossed a majority of it. Maybe I won’t continue this next year, or maybe I shall experiment with themes and things like that next year. But again, next year is still quite far off, nearer, but still far enough. And sometimes, I think, that is something we need to remind ourselves of. Sometimes boundaries are so thin, they can be non-existent. But that doesn’t mean the boundaries don’t exist. It is a very easy mistake to make, something I have made too many times, that has led me to quite a few situations, including the ones that happened today. Maybe I can take this as a lesson and move on?

And that’s my memory for the day.

A Conversation That Hurts

I write today, very deeply hurt over events that happened just a few minutes back. I think some part of me had always expected this would be the reception of whatever I was trying to say, but I think I had been in denial of it. And now, the teeth have come to bite my derriere. I think I may have permanently damaged my relationship with my mother, maybe my father too, and killed the trust they had in me and the trust I had in them. I prided myself on having a great set of parents who were liberal with me, who I felt I could talk to about anything under the sun. I thought whatever I would say would be received with a patient ear and a non-judgmental look. But turns out my perceptions were wrong, I have ruined everything. I talked to my mother about sex.

It started off as a conversation about menstrual cups, where I was explaining how menstrual cups have these environmental benefits and other such benefits. I was making a compelling case for them while boldly also talking about how I was also simultaneously slightly queasy about the fact of putting something inside my vagina and keeping it there. It is a very natural discomfort that many menstrual cup users attest to facing during their beginning days. My mother was quite open about it, going so far as to inquire about where we could find it (I assume with the aim of buying and trying it, for her and for me). But she told me that she would also be slightly uncomfortable, as a doctor to advice it for unmarried women (the assumption being that only women who are married should have sex).

I could have left it here, not said anything and I think we could have walked around the issue and pretended it doesn’t exist. But I was feeling bold, I thought I could broach the subject with my mother. I said that it is an assumption that only married women should have sex and that it is an old, Victorian moral idea that we have now adopted as our own, as Indian. I said that sex before marriage is not a wrong thing, that she is in the UK now, doesn’t she see it all around her? Why should she still think it was wrong? She immediately grew very agitated, asking me what I meant. Whether I was implying that I shall also do the same thing. I said that I would aim to date in the future, have boyfriend(s) before I marry, which means that I shall have to answer this question for sure. But I made it clear that it was not to say I shall go around sleeping with everyone. She was immediately angry. She said, that is exactly what I was saying, that I was implying that I shall sleep around and choose a husband, and about what people would say and how she would hang herself in shame.

Things escalated very quickly from there, she told me that she was ashamed of me, that my grandparents would hang themselves in their house hearing the things that were coming from my mouth, whether I thought I was some big feminist, how dare I. She said, yo shall do all this only if you have the independence, and you start earning for yourself right. Then you won’t get to do any of that, you shall stay at home, get married and lead life (I believe that was said in the heat of the moment and not for real, but it shook me nonetheless). She said that this is all because of your college, who is teaching you all this, that she had not even thought about what I could be doing in college, that she had trusted me but now she was afraid of what I would be doing. I tried to tell her that I trusted her, that is why I even thought I could speak to her about such things, but it fell on deaf ears. She pounced on me like a woman possessed, hitting me repeatedly with her chappals, crying out loud like I had done some unspeakable deed, like I had committed a crime of some high magnitude, shouting in my ears that she never, in all her years, thought that her daughter would speak to her like that. She told me that when I had said I was going to this far-off place for college, all her friends and the circle around her had told her that she shouldn’t send me. She told me that my behaviour would make her ashamed in front of all of them. There were a thousand other things she said, all in the heat of the moment, but basically revolving around how dare an 18-year-old speak of sex before marriage.

My father came back home, I had higher hopes for him because he was a doctor of sexually transmitted diseases, which meant that he would have a less judgemental view on sex. I explained that I had meant that sometime in the future, when I was secure and stable in my life, in a job I liked, maybe, when I was independent, I would like to date and have boyfriends (or girlfriends, but I didn’t say it out loud, I had enough trauma to last me for quite a while). He asked me if I knew about protection and safety (which I of course did!), that I was an adult and my life, my body, my thoughts. He said that I should first take small responsibilities before jumping straight to something like that in the first step. My mother, at this point in time, had calmed down a bit more. She said that if I was telling her that at age 24, she wouldn’t react the same way she did. A bit more conversation ensued, mediated in a more calm and collected way by my father, his primary view being that there is nothing inherently wrong or right in the world, it is only in what we see. What a majority believes in does not have to be right, what a minority believes in does not have to be wrong. He said that while I don’t behave the way they might expect me to, I cannot expect them to behave the way I expect them to. And a few more arguments along similar lines, but definitely more open and non-judgmental in its outlook.

I think that has always been something I have admired in my father, a quality I have also tried to emulate a lot of the time. An acceptance of the world, and definitely less judgmental in his outlook. While I will definitely censor myself and be very careful with whatever I say to my parents, I think there might be some hope after all. I have realised a few very uncomfortable things, things that I fear shall now hamper the kind of relationship I have had with my parents. I think my mother is going to definitely worry a lot more about me and I guess that I something I have to deal with. I just wished that maybe things could have gone on in a different way. But we do not have the control to dictate how events should unfold, I am definitely hurt by many things my mother said. I shall hold myself more shyly from now on with her, it is a shame, because I always believed I could have an open relationship with her. But I think it just goes to teach me a thing or two about the kind of parent I should try to be. My father may be a nonjudgmental man but he is most definitely not the most actively initiative-taking one. I have always believed that silence favours the oppressor, my father inevitably also condones my mother, even if he might not believe that. I have a few lessons for myself, and I think, despite the deep hurt I feel (it ruined my mood completely, I am unable to write my paper, I didn’t eat dinner because I feel sick from my stomach), I could take away some things valuable from it. And sometimes, that is the best thing one can do with their circumstances, right?

And that’s my memory for the day.

PS: On reading this, I realise that my reported speech is abominable in many places. My sincere apologies.

Shoes, Shoe bites​, Foo(t)(l)s

I am doing a very small test (I don’t even know if I should call it that in the first place), for my own peace of mind and I daresay, my happiness. It involves my phone, but that’s all I am going to say about it. The results of this test, that’s a tricky matter. I guess I would want to write about it, but maybe a blog post for that isn’t a good idea. But that’s something I have to figure out once I get my results/answers/peace of mind/whatever. Why am I doing this test? Maybe that is a question I can try to answer for myself at least because I am full of these spontaneous, out of the blue ideas, that they do not make sense even to myself. I am doing this test because of the stress, frustration, angst, disappointment, and a couple of other things that I have managed to accumulate over a short period of time. I am doing this test so that I can finally find some answers, regardless of whether they’d be personally favourable or not.

Today, I went on a wild-goose chase for a good two miles to return an Amazon delivery I had received. I hadn’t been happy with it, I checked the website for return options, chose one that looked quite convenient, and decided to go drop it off at the place they collected it from. Turned out, that shop had stopped their service a couple of months back. A customer in that store pointed me in the direction of another shop, roughly another half a kilometre away. I was already a little over a mile away from home, in a locality I was completely unfamiliar with. But I went on that trip, found out that shop did returns, but that it was a different process. I walked back, completely disappointed and exhausted, when I stopped in the middle of the road to come up with a plan. Now I will go tomorrow to this new shop which does returns, but this time with all the things required to deposit my parcel there.

The whole process involves printing a label, sticking it on my parcel, taking a six-digit code I was provided, and quite a bit of walking. I hadn’t anticipated that long a walk today, I had worn a kind of sandals that were my mother’s which I used for short walks. But the way seemed to stretch on and on, leaving me with a mild shoe bite. I had never had a shoe bite before, this was the first time I experienced it first hand. In fact, I learnt that shoes bite only when I was in 12th standard and we had our school’s culturals (inter-school cultural fest) happening. The twelfth standard students are responsible for organising the event, we all get to wear ‘colour dress’ (non-uniform, everyday clothes), and so on.

One of my friends was complaining about how her ballet flats had bitten her, and how it was hurting. I had never experienced a shoe bite before, so I turned to her, confused. All my friends were surprised to hear that I had never experienced it before. What followed was a detailed lecture on shoe bites, treatment and management, and so much more. I remember saying, quite dejectedly, “Well, I never can wear ballet flats, so I probably never shall be bitten by my shoe”. That was one of my insecurities, my feet. They were too broad and short, with very small, puny fingers. Footwear shopping has always been a nightmare because all the narrow shoes never fit my feet. They refuse to go in, and if they do, they are too short for the shoe.

Ballet flats, flip-flops, heels, sports shoes, school shoes, formal shoes, any kind of footwear, regardless of whether they are ‘fancy’ or not, they almost never fit me perfectly. That is a problem I still face, footwear. It was during these trying times, that I was introduced to this brilliant revolution in the world of footwear, strapped sandals. They were the answers to all my problems, I could adjust the straps to ensure they would fit me perfectly, with no fear of slipping and wonderful comfort, I was in love. The catch was, somehow, the world had decided that it was only men who needed those shoes. Which doesn’t make much sense because men already have some really comfortable footwear. I know because I have tried footwear there since my feet fit better in those. If anything, women are the ones who need these kinds of footwear, since they already walk around in death traps half the time.

My feet have also been a point of teasing in my family. Not just my feet but also my hands and fingers. They are all short and stubby, like my father’s, while my mother’s fingers are more dainty and elegant. Blegh, I hate these conventions. My hands have always been extremely tiny, my friends in school were constantly fascinated by them. They would pick my hand up and measure it against theirs all the time, most of them could bend the top parts of their fingers over mine, that’s how small my hand was in comparison. My best friend used to say that it was so cute, like a little child’s. I was a child, I was somehow simultaneously the child and the grandma. It was a hypocritical existence that I lived, one that I somehow still do. But I think that is something to say about everyone. We are all foots (I know it is feet, but foots resembles fools and that is the point), trying to squeeze into footwear we don’t quite fit in, or feel comfortable in. We manage to go on in this footwear, hell, we even think shoe bites are part and parcel of life.But when we do come across those nice sandals once in a while, we take a respite, then we go back. We live both lives, trying to make the best of both worlds. After all, I would say, that makes us astonishingly human, doesn’t it?

And that’s my memory for the day.

Dreams and ‘Periods’ of Control

It has been quite a great day, I finally unpacked my suitcases and got quite a bit of my work done. I had been procrastinating so much to do this these last few days. My mother had to quite literally push me to my suitcase, and make me get my work done. But the good part is, once I start something I have to finish it. It plagues my mind otherwise, and I would be left with a lot of frustration until I got it finished. So I started, after five minutes, to spite my mother, I went and sat in front of the TV and watched a video for half an hour. I made my mom really angry, on purpose, because she was making me work, no matter how fair it was.

But after my half an hour was over, I could not sit still and I went back to my room to get all the clothes put away neatly, and suitcases too. I started and I kept on going, I just could not stop once I started. When I was done, there was this feeling of accomplishment and extreme relief, I cannot possibly justifiably explain the feeling. It was great, to feel that way after quite a bad time and space. To finally feel like some part of my life was back in my control, it could be managed, handled, worked with. Then I took out a broom and swept my whole room, neatly, and finally sprayed the whole place with room freshener. I felt like I could finally be in that room, feel at home there and for me, that was very important. Coming here was already a huge change, but to shift houses as soon as I came here meant that the one small thing I was familiar with here was also being changed. It became imperative for me to find some semblance of control, coming from a horrible semester and these changes.

This new house actually reminds of my older house, it is quite a beautiful apartment in a main part of town, extremely accessible to shops and to the train station and bus stop. It is quite a sweet little place, and I feel more at home here. But nonetheless, when I got this work done, it felt reassuring. This place would become home soon, that’s what my brain was feeding me, and I was eagerly eating it up. It is quite funny, actually, how much I did not think that my suitcases and litter in the room was affecting me this badly and that they had such a strong link to stuff from my past. I think that is the beauty of writing, we always make more connections when we are writing down what we’re feeling, it allows us that space I believe. I am glad that this blog has worked as that space for me so far.

But all this setting-up business reminds me of the many times we have shifted houses before. It was actually quite funny, I can recall almost all of the shifts but not much of the actual house setting-up. The only house setting-ups I properly remember are our previous house, which we moved into when I was in seventh standard, and the house before that, which we moved into when I was in sixth standard. We had been in our own house before shifting when I was in sixth standard, we sold that house to buy the other one, and for a year, while it was in construction, we stayed in a rented house. I remember that house quite vividly because it was in a great locality that was also green and quite beautiful. The added perk was that it really close to my school, I could cycle there easily, and in just 5  minutes, which meant I got extra time to get ready in the morning. Well, it also meant I got extra overconfident and reached school really late quite a few times.

I remember that house because that was where I had my first dream about getting my period. I was in sixth standard, so many of my friends and classmates were getting their periods, it had become quite a common sight for my classmates to ask for pads from each other and to suddenly leave home in the middle of the day because they got their first period. I kept on getting these dreams that I would go to the toilet, and that I got my period, and I would wake up terrified. Check myself with bated breath, put off going to the toilet for as much as possible, as if I could stop my period by not going to the toilet to relieve myself.

It was a superstition I held (and still hold, to a lot lesser extent I guess) that dreams that came during the wee hours of the morning were dreams that would come true. I would wake up and try to remember when I got the dream, and I would be terrified because they would all occur during the early morning time. The house had two bathrooms, and I made a conscious decision not to use the bathroom where it happened as much as possible. I also did not wear the undergarment I saw in my dream for a very long time. I tried to tell myself that I could somehow control and manipulate my fate that way. As I keep telling, with me, there has always been a need to be in control and this was no different.

Well, I guess something must have helped me because I did not get my period till I finished eighth standard, and went to my grandmother’s place for the summer break. I finally got it when I was in a place I had never dreamt of (pun intended). Turns out dreams don’t come true, especially things that are apparently ‘supposed’ to come true, if you manipulate it enough. I like to think that my meddling, and cautiousness was what caused the whole thing to happen in my grandmother’s place. It was like, you expect me in all these places so I’ll knock on the door you most definitely did not expect me to knock, and I will catch you off guard. My period did play its turn quite brilliantly, it continues to do so.

I guess that one of the things I learnt from this whole experience was that I could be in control of my situation, to a small extent. But in the larger scheme of things (like biological imperatives and inevitables, like periods), no matter of manipulation could work completely. It will catch you in some other place, it is quite brilliant at that. Two lessons learnt from this experience, it adds quite a bit of value to it. Of course, I don’t mean that lessons learnt is a reasonable and only acceptable way of adding value, even if I might not be able to find some value, each experience has something to be valued in it. I think that’s a reasonable place to leave this memory at, right?

And that’s my memory for the day.


Time and Stone Soup

I remember this one time I had a conversation with a friend about how crazy it seems to think that ten years from then, we would have such a different life. We were marvelling over how it could be possible that we might become famous, be married, fall in love, be in a relationship, finish studies or be studying such high-level stuff that we were definitely not doing in school. It was a very funny conversation in retrospect, but right then, it felt like we were having a very deep and meaningful conversation. There are these conversations that make up a part of our everyday life–they were so trivial and small, but the time they happened, they held such meaning in your life. My whole life, for example, is a case study of these kinds of conversations.

I remember this one time when I was in third standard. We had just come to class, it was the first day and I remember during lunch about how I was thinking about growing up and how time had passed so fast. It is the curse of time, I like to complain that time ruins everything but also validates and helps everything. Right now, it is actually late into the night and I am half asleep as I type this. Time ruins everything, didn’t I say that already? It ruins blog posts, it ruins sleep, it ruins relationships, it ruins everything. But time also validates all of them, it is such a confusing thing.

But talking about third standard reminds me of this one story we read in class. It was a very small story, worthy of being read by a 7-8-year-old kid. It was called “stone soup” (I remember it because I had been so impressed by it, it had been a very cute story. It went like this. There was once a man who had travelled far and wide. Once, very tired and starving, he reaches a village and asks around for someone to be kind enough to provide him food and shelter. The villagers all refuse to give him food and he goes to the edge of the village where he finds one hut. The lady inside the house says, “I don’t have any food to give you. Moreover, my husband will be back soon so I cannot offer you anything”. Thus rejected, the man set his things down and says, “I have a magic stone in my bag, I will make some stone soup for myself.”

The lady becomes extremely curious and watches him. The man lights a fire, keeps his cauldron on it and then fills water and puts the stone inside. He then says that he loves stone soup with carrots in it, and the lady goes and fetches him a few pieces of carrot, then he asks for something else and the lady provides him with that too and finally, after getting a lot of things ending with salt, the stone soup is done. And he drinks it, and gives the leftover soup and the stone to the lady and moves away, saying that the stone was not magical, but kindness, and helping someone in need are definitely so.

I remember how impressed I was with the story. It first made me hungry (I was a kid!), because I always have loved soup. My grandmother had a habit of feeding me a different soup every day when I stayed during the breaks. My mom did not have the time to make me soup but that was okay, it was not such a necessity. The story reminded me of my grandmother and the crazy soups she’d made for me using the most obscure vegetables. After the initial hunger, I was left wondering if I could make soup too using a stone. I wondered later about the dirt, but I later reasoned that the stone could have been washed. Finally, I wanted to cook too, and I felt that the traveller was really smart to have managed to find himself a means to feed himself. We all have such stones with us, during different situations in life. It all lies within our own capabilities to turn that stone into a soup. You most definitely can find and make your soup regardless of which stone you use and I think that is a good life lesson to learn, is it not?

And that’s my memory for the day.