
Recently, I have been struggling with figuring out what to write in my daily blog posts because I don’t really see the point of recounting an uneventful day and that is exactly what my days have been. They have been inconsequential (much like what I have come to realise is my own existence) and to put it out here feels like I am giving too much importance to myself and besides, who wants to read my mental ramblings about how I had a class and how much work I have and how many meals I skipped that day. What is the use of a life whose only concern is about how each day is proceeding and nothing more, where its primary concerns are not of any consequence in the world? Whose world is this existence making better or helping? Potentially no one’s.

But let me move away from that for a second to talk a bit about brilliance and the way it shines through. This is where I think I behave a little elitist and say that I believe there are lives and people who don’t shine, who probably never will, whose existence will merely be a speck. This could be because of whatever reasons and I am in no position to speculate about that. But I think one of the few thoughts that I have about my own existence (what is even mine in the first place, I wonder) is that it is a useless one. Yes, I occupy positions in this world where my presence adds some value to people’s lives. Yes, I am a daughter, a friend, potentially say, a mother or whatever. But these are roles that can be fulfilled by anyone or if I didn’t exist and no one else existed in my place, those places would not be there at all and it would have been a different life, but one that would have been perfectly fine anyway. But aside from these misfortunes of circumstance, there’s literally nothing I can call to my name and fame. It is quite a useless and pittance life, honestly.

It might be a good counter-argument to say that I am but 18.5 years old and of course cannot be expected to already be someone of consequence in the world. That is true, I would agree completely, I do have time. But do I have what it takes to convert that time into a consequential existence? I am not very convinced. I really have a lot of work to do that is extremely important for my life at Ashoka and I am not really getting anything done. Adding to my worries is my own dwindling mental health, I mean, it fluctuates a lot, there are times when I am doing quite alright and sometimes when I am just a burden on this world and myself and I don’t really see the point of going on and on. It sounds horrible and of course, I don’t support or entertain any ideas of suicide (it is a very serious issue and I hope that people who face problems get help and keep themselves healthy and safe, we need you). Anyway, it is all part of the shining existence idea because that is something I revolve around in almost all aspects of my life. I will do better, right?

And that’s my memory for the day.

Burden Paper

I had a paper due today and it was undoubtedly one of the most difficult papers I have ever had to tackle. It was only the first draft and so I need not have a paper ready but I felt like a huge disappointment when I could not write the paper and be done with it. I like to think of myself as having a good base in that class, I do my reading mostly and I am generally fascinated by the course and interested in it. Even for this paper, I was very interested in what I was working with but I simply did not have the energy to sit down and put it out as a paper. I ended up drawing elaborate mind maps on the whiteboard in a classroom but I could not translate that into a paper. I ended up typing it out as points and submitting it anyway and hoping for the best.

How do you know when you are being a good friend and when you’re being a bad one? If you are constantly causing worry to your friends, even if they want to sit with you and help you with it, are you a good friend in that equation? Won’t you be sucking out the energy off them, even if they willingly gave you that energy? These are just some of the questions that have been plaguing me for a while and I am trying not to over them as much because ultimately it leads to me questioning my relationships in the world and well, once you start questioning, you start to realise shaky grounds (which goes to say something about the world we construct for ourselves) and truly, ignorance is bliss and it is probably much happier to be in ignorance in this case.

How do you know, really and truly, that you are worth someone’s time? It could be someone you like, it could be someone you are just meeting and developing a bond with, someone you have been friends with for years, whatever. The point being, we all are at different stages of a relationship with everyone we know. Maybe I should make clearer what I mean by relationships, I mean any kind of interaction and connection between two persons. They can be poles apart or they can be as similar as two peas in a pod (who even came up with such an idea?), but ultimately, our lives are defined by the interactions we have in the world.

Here’s another fear, interactions that could lead on to choke the other person. Of course, logically speaking, that is probably not going to be an important case enough. But there is always the possibility that you could be choking the person who is doing so much for you, that you are being nothing but a burden to them, a deadweight almost. But that doesn’t mean that it does not feature in my thoughts. I actually lost what I was going to say because I fell asleep in the middle, which is a very dumb thing to do given my extremely sleepy state. I am going to call it a night now and get to bed, sleep a good night’s sleep, one that is long enough to satisfactorily be fulfilling. I can get my work done and not be a burden to anyone right?

And that’s my memory for the day.

People Relationships

I have seen a few friends crumble right in front of my eyes, friends whose crumbling caused my own. I have been witness to pain through their eyes and call me a sensitive soul, I cannot bear pain, not of mine, not of others. Which is precisely why seeing them crumble made me crumble too, it made me cry, it hurt me (sometimes more than it hurt the person themselves). If anything, their life experiences only gave me pointers on what I probably should not do in order to not cause pain to anyone else. Unfortunately, I guess, these pointers never really taught me to not cause pain for myself. I probably spent more time nursing my own sadness over what was not even my problem than actually helping the other person out. In retrospect, that probably makes me a bad listener, but maybe it is consoling to find someone who would shed tears on your behalf?

I see so many people around me, people who are suffering, maybe in silence, maybe not. It makes me wonder if my suffering is actually something of substance. Now the usefulness of the comparison can be debated upon and I suspect the results won’t be that favourable. But it is nonetheless a comparison I tend to make, because I think, in a way, we are socially taught to make comparisons and run our lives based on those comparisons. Oh wow, I have used the word comparison so many times, proving my general lack of articulateness. But anyway, back to the point at hand, how can one ever measure or quantify suffering and pain? How can I say, objectively, that the pain and suffering I underwent is less than or greater than or equal to someone else’s? We all live our own realities, and in those realities, each of our phantoms differ, but they are phantoms nonetheless, and they are scary.

I have been, quite surprisingly, in a better place than I expected to be a couple of days back. It is refreshing and I am not questioning it because I am trying to take it as it comes. I think a lot of this general good feeling is an attribute of being around people who genuinely care about me and who I care about. I know for a fact that I would do anything for these people I have come to love with all of my heart. It feels weird that I have already grown so attached to them all, but at the same time it is an attachment I am not burdened by, which is also really refreshing. These relationships I have built make me feel hopeful, they are wholesome and they keep me alive, they help me survive. Am I being too grateful for these people? Is that necessarily a bad thing?

And that’s my memory for the day.

Resentful Drowning

I wonder if people truly realise the importance of people who take initiative and an active vested interest in their lives. That someone who shall check on you now and then, who messages you first to ask you how you’re doing, that person that you, for all facts and purposes, conveniently seem to forget. I think it is such an under-rated trait, this trying to reach out and keep in touch. I have definitely felt that I was under-appreciated, all the times I spent doing that. Well, it is accompanied by a feeling that if I did that expecting to be appreciated, it is not exactly selfless, is it? But is it too much to ask for some kind of reciprocation, I wonder? Well, in my case, I can only wonder and never know, I guess.

There have been many times when I have felt like I was unheard, not understood. It would be like I am saying my words into the other person’s ears but they are looking past me, all because I chose to come and reach out to say it. It made me more shy of approaching people, I hold myself more cautiously, I still don’t open up that easily to people who don’t take an interest in my life. While I understand that people have other things in their own life, it doesn’t mean that I don’t. In my eyes, if I can make some time to know about them, to enquire after them, I could expect the same from them. And unfortunately, in my eighteen years of living on this planet, I am yet to find someone like that. It feels sad sometimes, when I realise that people might not care about me the way I would want them to. It makes me think that there might be no one on this planet who could care about you the exact same way you want to be cared for. Is that a bad thing? I don’t think I am worthy enough to call that judgement. But does it hurt? It sure does, a lot.

You would think that people would notice when you behave differently, that people will understand or at least find something amiss enough to probe deeper and ask after you. But the thing is, people lack that initiative, especially when they have a thousand things of their own to bother about. It makes you feel that you should not be the 1001th thing to bother them. It hurts because you want to bother them, make them take an interest in you, so you can actually work through releasing your own sadness and frustration through talking, but you know that is unfair to ask of them. You know you cannot go directly to them, that you don’t have the guts to open the box yourself, but you might be ready to open it if someone asks, if someone asks. That’s the problem, it depends too much on that unknown variable(s) and that means that it is out of your control.

I am afraid of getting back to college, for fear that my resentment will come through, destroying my relationships forever. I already fear my resentment comes through many times, through my salty comments, sarcastic remarks, blunt humour, and more. It bubbles out of me, out of my control and I know how much I hate being out of control. But this is a loss of control that I cannot seem to help. I don’t know how to seek help either, so I am just out here, swimming by myself, hoping that someone would be observant enough to note that I am out of my depth and I may drown and throw me a lifesaver. But that is a useless hope, I have realised, and so there I go, willing my legs to pump a little faster, hands to swing a little stronger, so that I may float and make it to the shore. At the moment, it seems quite far away, but hopefully, it’ll get closer?

And that’s my memory for the day.

A Conversation That Hurts

I write today, very deeply hurt over events that happened just a few minutes back. I think some part of me had always expected this would be the reception of whatever I was trying to say, but I think I had been in denial of it. And now, the teeth have come to bite my derriere. I think I may have permanently damaged my relationship with my mother, maybe my father too, and killed the trust they had in me and the trust I had in them. I prided myself on having a great set of parents who were liberal with me, who I felt I could talk to about anything under the sun. I thought whatever I would say would be received with a patient ear and a non-judgmental look. But turns out my perceptions were wrong, I have ruined everything. I talked to my mother about sex.

It started off as a conversation about menstrual cups, where I was explaining how menstrual cups have these environmental benefits and other such benefits. I was making a compelling case for them while boldly also talking about how I was also simultaneously slightly queasy about the fact of putting something inside my vagina and keeping it there. It is a very natural discomfort that many menstrual cup users attest to facing during their beginning days. My mother was quite open about it, going so far as to inquire about where we could find it (I assume with the aim of buying and trying it, for her and for me). But she told me that she would also be slightly uncomfortable, as a doctor to advice it for unmarried women (the assumption being that only women who are married should have sex).

I could have left it here, not said anything and I think we could have walked around the issue and pretended it doesn’t exist. But I was feeling bold, I thought I could broach the subject with my mother. I said that it is an assumption that only married women should have sex and that it is an old, Victorian moral idea that we have now adopted as our own, as Indian. I said that sex before marriage is not a wrong thing, that she is in the UK now, doesn’t she see it all around her? Why should she still think it was wrong? She immediately grew very agitated, asking me what I meant. Whether I was implying that I shall also do the same thing. I said that I would aim to date in the future, have boyfriend(s) before I marry, which means that I shall have to answer this question for sure. But I made it clear that it was not to say I shall go around sleeping with everyone. She was immediately angry. She said, that is exactly what I was saying, that I was implying that I shall sleep around and choose a husband, and about what people would say and how she would hang herself in shame.

Things escalated very quickly from there, she told me that she was ashamed of me, that my grandparents would hang themselves in their house hearing the things that were coming from my mouth, whether I thought I was some big feminist, how dare I. She said, yo shall do all this only if you have the independence, and you start earning for yourself right. Then you won’t get to do any of that, you shall stay at home, get married and lead life (I believe that was said in the heat of the moment and not for real, but it shook me nonetheless). She said that this is all because of your college, who is teaching you all this, that she had not even thought about what I could be doing in college, that she had trusted me but now she was afraid of what I would be doing. I tried to tell her that I trusted her, that is why I even thought I could speak to her about such things, but it fell on deaf ears. She pounced on me like a woman possessed, hitting me repeatedly with her chappals, crying out loud like I had done some unspeakable deed, like I had committed a crime of some high magnitude, shouting in my ears that she never, in all her years, thought that her daughter would speak to her like that. She told me that when I had said I was going to this far-off place for college, all her friends and the circle around her had told her that she shouldn’t send me. She told me that my behaviour would make her ashamed in front of all of them. There were a thousand other things she said, all in the heat of the moment, but basically revolving around how dare an 18-year-old speak of sex before marriage.

My father came back home, I had higher hopes for him because he was a doctor of sexually transmitted diseases, which meant that he would have a less judgemental view on sex. I explained that I had meant that sometime in the future, when I was secure and stable in my life, in a job I liked, maybe, when I was independent, I would like to date and have boyfriends (or girlfriends, but I didn’t say it out loud, I had enough trauma to last me for quite a while). He asked me if I knew about protection and safety (which I of course did!), that I was an adult and my life, my body, my thoughts. He said that I should first take small responsibilities before jumping straight to something like that in the first step. My mother, at this point in time, had calmed down a bit more. She said that if I was telling her that at age 24, she wouldn’t react the same way she did. A bit more conversation ensued, mediated in a more calm and collected way by my father, his primary view being that there is nothing inherently wrong or right in the world, it is only in what we see. What a majority believes in does not have to be right, what a minority believes in does not have to be wrong. He said that while I don’t behave the way they might expect me to, I cannot expect them to behave the way I expect them to. And a few more arguments along similar lines, but definitely more open and non-judgmental in its outlook.

I think that has always been something I have admired in my father, a quality I have also tried to emulate a lot of the time. An acceptance of the world, and definitely less judgmental in his outlook. While I will definitely censor myself and be very careful with whatever I say to my parents, I think there might be some hope after all. I have realised a few very uncomfortable things, things that I fear shall now hamper the kind of relationship I have had with my parents. I think my mother is going to definitely worry a lot more about me and I guess that I something I have to deal with. I just wished that maybe things could have gone on in a different way. But we do not have the control to dictate how events should unfold, I am definitely hurt by many things my mother said. I shall hold myself more shyly from now on with her, it is a shame, because I always believed I could have an open relationship with her. But I think it just goes to teach me a thing or two about the kind of parent I should try to be. My father may be a nonjudgmental man but he is most definitely not the most actively initiative-taking one. I have always believed that silence favours the oppressor, my father inevitably also condones my mother, even if he might not believe that. I have a few lessons for myself, and I think, despite the deep hurt I feel (it ruined my mood completely, I am unable to write my paper, I didn’t eat dinner because I feel sick from my stomach), I could take away some things valuable from it. And sometimes, that is the best thing one can do with their circumstances, right?

And that’s my memory for the day.

PS: On reading this, I realise that my reported speech is abominable in many places. My sincere apologies.

Childhood Emails and Trying to be Wonderful

Today was a stiflingly hot day, even now, it is dreadfully hot. One of the downsides of having a hot day is the fact that it makes you extremely drowsy and tired. It is like all my energy was sucked out of my system, leaving me dry and extremely tired. In fact, when I was at the shop today, I kept on dozing off from time to time. Right now, the heat has become so unbearable, that I am sitting with a small table fan on my bed right in front of me. My hair, which I had just washed today, has started curling even more because of the humidity and the heat.

I am no stranger to heat and humidity, coming from the south-Indian coast. I have been constantly exposed to surprising mercury figures, I have walked out of it strong and surviving. But I think that was possible because of two things I had back home, ceiling fans and air conditioners. I would give anything for this house to have a provision for a ceiling fan in each of the rooms at least. It would provide some much-needed breeze in this house, especially with rising temperatures. No amount of open windows is successful enough to cool down the body. Even right now, my eyes are closing on their own because I am extremely tired.

I am going to London tomorrow, to meet with a childhood friend of mine. She is one of my oldest friends (if not the oldest)–we have known each other since we were both around two to three years old. Her father and my mother did their PG together, after which he moved to the UK. Her grandparents live in Chennai, and I have been to their house quite a lot. In fact, I have fond memories of her grandmother feeding us both, telling us stories, etc. She doesn’t remember quite as much, but I have always been known to hold on to these kinds of memories, so I wasn’t really surprised. This is the girl who I used to email so much as a pre-teen and early teen.

Young teenage me was a very lonely kid, gelt misunderstood by her schoolmates, felt bullied and used, and felt like she did not belong in that world. I sought comfort in the writing of another kindred soul from around 5000 miles away. This young lady always had a nice thing to say, had the most fascinating stories of education so different from what I was used to, she showed an interest in me, she cared, I felt safe and loved. For me, reciprocation has always been the biggest thing. There have been times when I have been quite a jealous individual, calling people out for ignoring me, for not replying to my messages or emails, or sometimes not messaging first like a petulant, hurt child. But this was one of the most beautiful relationships I developed, one that really gave me some much-appreciated knowledge on a variety of things.

She used to tell me that I was an amazing girl, always had tips for me to open up and interact more with people, we jokingly called her my ‘relationship guru’. I struggled to believe that I was amazing, I still do. I think that is something unique about people in general. They find it hard to believe that they are amazing people. It feels like it is easier to make someone believe that they are the lowest scum to walk the earth than to make them believe, from the bottom of their heart, that they are wonderful. I struggle to accept it when someone says that I am a great person, yet I understand that I struggle to accept it and strive to make sure others don’t struggle the same way. But that is not how the world works, I guess. But these are all small, baby steps, all small doses of happiness in small, casually typed out emails. Sometimes, those are the biggest steps that change everything, aren’t they?

And that’s my memory for the day.